Taking my pension after my retirement date

If you do decide to build up your pension savings further, you can add up £60,000 or 100% of your taxable salary, whichever is lower, each year until you’re 75. Maybe you enjoy working and want to carry on? It could be you want to build up more money in your pension savings. You might already have enough income to live on, say from other investments or savings.

So, what are the options and implications of delaying your retirement?

£60,000 tax-free annually

If you do decide to build up your pension savings further, you can add up to £60,000 each year until you’re 75. Your pension savings will also continue to benefit from tax-friendly investment. With more money in your pension savings and accessing it later in life, you could have more to look forward to in your retirement.

Gradual retirement

Depending on your pension, you may be able to retire gradually by drawing part of your pension. Alternatively, you could reduce your hours to part-time or work flexibly. Whatever happens, you’ll need to check whether your provider will allow you to if you want your pension savings to remain invested after you hit 75. Look to transferring your pension to a different provider if they don’t – do shop around though.

Pay attention

If leaving your pension savings untouched for longer sounds attractive, do watch out for any restrictions or charges. Check to see whether any potential growth might be wiped out by on-going investment charges. If the charges are too high in proportion to your savings, consider changing to a more efficient option.

Don’t lose out

Some pensions come with guarantees, such as a guaranteed income or fund value. It’s possible that delaying your retirement could result in you losing out on the guarantee. And remember, the value of your pension savings can rise and fall.


£1,073,100 limit

Did you know that pensions have a Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance? The Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance limits how much can be paid out tax free from your pensions. This includes tax free cash lump sums and death benefits if you pass away before age 75. 

Get guidance or advice

When to retire, or when not to, is a major decision, so do get guidance or advice before doing anything.

Pension Wise is a government sponsored scheme that offers free pension guidance appointments for people 50 or over. Visit www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/pensions-and-retirement/pension-wise or call            0800 138 3944

Unbiased.co.uk can link you up you with a local FCA-approved independent financial adviser. Visit www.unbiased.co.uk

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