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Discover a wealth of information about the fund(s) linked to your policy, including fund prices and past performance. If your fund(s) is not listed, get in touchThe fund information is best viewed on a desktop, laptop or tablet. Please remember that past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of your investment may go down as well as up, so you may not get back the amount invested.

Source: © Performance data from Financial Express Holdings 2019. Basis of investment calculation: bid to bid with net income reinvested. The prices are provided for information purposes only and other factors may affect the valuation. Please contact us for an up to date valuation before making any decision regarding your plan or policy. Each fund falls within a particular sector. The performance of the sector is represented by the performance of an average fund within that sector. Please be aware that some funds shown above may not available to all customers. Please check your policy details or call us to find out which funds are available to you.