Save & Prosper funds

If you’re on this page, you more than likely opened your policy or pension with Save & Prosper Insurance or Save & Prosper Pensions. Both companies no longer offer new policies and haven’t done so since 1998.

Investments funds
You’ll find up-to-date information about your pension and insurance funds at the Fund Centre, filled with all things investment-related, including fund prices and investment support.

To find the fund name for your policy or pension, see your latest Annual Statement. Or give us a call.

Schroders’ funds – monthly factsheets

For more details about Schroders’ funds, visit their website.

Latest news

Transfer from JP Morgan to Schroders’ funds

Policyholders directly investing in a fund managed by JPM Asset Management will see their funds switch to an equivalent one managed by Schroders.

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Why choose Schroders?

We believe our customers benefit from their investment expertise as we aim to provide you with sustainable growth through both the good times and periods of uncertainty.
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S&P Equity Pension

Following Schroders’ appointment as our sole fund manager, the benchmark for the S&P Equity Pension Fund changed from FTSE350 to FTSE All Share.

For all things investment-related, visit our Fund Centre.

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S&P Balanced Investment Fund

The investment allocation of this fund has adjusted following Schroders’ appointment as our sole fund manager. A letter was issued to all customers with policies affected by this change.

For all things investment-related, visit our Fund Centre.

Switching investment funds
It may be possible to switch funds depending on your policy or pension terms and conditions.

If you need help to understand which funds may be available to you, please get in touch:


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Countrywide Assured plc, PO Box 2923, St James House, 28-36 Eastern Road, Romford RM7 1PE