Where can I find out more about my policy charges?

The key ones are:

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  • Annual Management charge

    This charge covers the cost of managing the investment fund(s) and administration. The annual management charge is calculated each day based on the value of the fund. Because we deduct the charge when pricing the fund rather than by selling units from your plan, the amount shown on your statement is an estimated charge.

  • Bid/offer spread

    The price we pay when selling investment units should you decide to transfer your policy or take your retirement benefits is referred to as the ‘bid price’. Whereas the price at which we buy the investment units with your contributions is referred to as the ‘offer price’. The bid price is always lower than the offer price. The difference between each price is referred to as the 'spread'.
    The cost of buying and selling units is referred to as the ‘bid/offer spread’.

  • Benefits charges

    This charge covers the cost of providing your policy's benefits. See your latest Annual Statement for more details.

  • Administration charge

    This charge covers the cost of looking after your policy, which includes the cost of keeping you up to date about your policy each year until its maturity date. See your latest Annual Statement for more details.

  • Surrender charge

    This charge is applied should you surrender your policy before the maturity date.

  • Transfer charge

    This charge is applied should you transfer your policy to another provider before the selected retirement date.


Policy charges vary for each policy and those shown above are for illustrative purposes only.

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