Investing in commercial property is no longer possible unless your existing former CASLP OneSIPP clients wish to invest through their SIPP.

Innovative options for your clients and their business

Investing in commercial property presents an opportunity that brings many benefits to certain types of investors. Your existing former clients with our OneSIPP can include a commercial property in order to enhance the potential of retirement and financial planning, provided they have funds already with us.

Whilst holding commercial property in a self-invested personal pension can be perceived as complicated, there are clear advantages, and we are happy to continue supporting you through the journey to give you and your existing clients with us peace of mind.

How can I invest in commercial property?

The OneSIPP – purchasing commercial property through the OneSIPP is only available to existing clients using funds already with us.

The commercial property is not part of your clients’ estate for inheritance tax purposes.

Commercial property guides

  • Former CASLP Clients

    Commercial Property - Your Tenancy FAQs

  • Former CASLP Clients

    Guide To Commercial Property

  • Former CASLP Clients

    Commercial Property - At A Glance
