To help make it easier to get in touch electronically, you can securely attach up to four letters or documents to your message. We aim to deal with queries or requests promptly and respond as soon as possible.

Former CASLP Clients

To get in touch, please use the dedicated form.

How would you like to get in touch?

Contact Us

The information you send to Countrywide Assured is encrypted which means that your details will be transmitted to us securely.

To help us verify your identity, please enter the following details:

Please enter your date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format

I give permission for Countrywide Assured to collect and use my email address to administer my policy. My personal information may be shared with selected third parties, such as professional service providers, including data processing and administration only for the purposes of administering my policy. Some of the third parties with whom my personal information is shared may be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). For more information on how we manage your personal details, please see our Privacy Policy.

Permission *

If you wish to make changes to your policy or pension, such as a change of address or name, please read the section ‘Making changes to your policy’ shown on the panel to the right of this online contact form. It's important that you include your signature on the letter or document(s) so we can deal with your request and protect you from potential fraud.

Guidance for attachments: You can attach up to four documents of less than 5MB each. Please read the ‘Guidance for attachments’ shown on the panel to the right of this online contact form. If you’re not sure what to do or have any questions, please ask us.


By submitting attachments to this message, I confirm I have read and have the legal authority to agree to all legal and other declarations included within the document(s), either as a sole or joint policyholder, or as a legal representative acting on another’s behalf. Please accept the attached documents[s] as signed and dated today. I understand any policy values will be calculated on the next available working day. I accept that you will carry out my instructions on this basis.